
USCB has a long history of planning and assessment. Ongoing and systematic assessment is vital to the University’s continuous improvement initiatives and is critical in demonstrating the quality of the institution to the community and to external accrediting agents such as the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education (SCCHE) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS).

Outcomes Assessment

Planning, assessment and improvement at USCB are a shared responsibility.  The University has implemented an Planning, Analytics and Compliance cycle with a feedback loop to ensure a continuous planning process related to the outcomes of its academic programs and administrative and support services.  USCB's planning and assessment process is broad based, systematic and appropriate to the institution.  With input from all units, the process continues to evolve with the goal of continuously improving academic programs and administrative and support services.

Academic Program Assessment Committee

USCB's Academic Program Assessment Committee (APAC) reviews, monitors and revises the planning-analytics-compliance and strategic-planning frameworks, processes and procedures of the University as the relate to Student Learning Assessment in the academic majors.  Reporting directly to the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Acadmeic Affairs, APAC serves in an advisory capacity to the Academic Affairs Council, the administrative and educational support units of the University and the Director of Planning, Analytics and Compliance.

IE Council Responsibilities

  • Conduct annual evaluations of USCB's Mission, Goals and Strategic Plan as well as Planning, Analytics and Compliance and strategic planning processes.
  • Review and provide feedback on the academic majors' Student Learning Outcome (SLO) Assessment Reports.
  • Communicate on an on-going basis the Planning, Analytics and Compliance and strategic planning process, procedures, and findings to the educational departments and to the administrative and educational support services units through minutes, reports, and direct contact of members with their respective units.