USCB Data & Trends
The Office of Planning, Analytics, and Compliance is responsible for maintaining, analyzing, and publishing data relating to USCB's students, faculty, staff, and educational programs for use in the conduct of official university business.
Per the USC Policy on Private Requests for University Data, "requests for the generation of new data or reports about the institution from private parties or for private use..., in which either the requesting party is not an employee of the university, or the intended use of data is not in pursuit of the conduct of official university business" should contact USCB's Advancement Office at 843.208.8030.
USCB Data Request Form
If you have an urgent data request for a University purpose, please complete the Data
Request Form and contact Brian Mallory (ext. 4137) or Kevin Bessent (ext. 4178) to discuss.
To insure privacy of student data, The Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Research
is now placing data in a shared space that only you and we can access. Once the Data
Request Form is completed, an IER staff member will contact you with procedures on
how to access the requested data.
To request a user specific Cognos report, please submit a request with USC at
Data Dashboard
The University of South Carolina Office of Institutional Research, Assessment and Analytics at Columbia has developed a set of Data Dashboards presenting enrollment, degrees awarded and workforce data for the entire system, including the University of South Carolina Beaufort. The customizable options on each dashboard allow reports for each of the eight UofSC campuses from Fall 2013 to present. Click here to access the Data Dashboards website, choose the type of data you want to display, and then define the campus field to choose "Beaufort". For your convenience, the site also includes a helpful "Introduction Demo Video".