
The Office of Planning, Analytics and Compliance and Research (IER) conducts a variety of regularly-scheduled and ad hoc surveys geared toward obtaining feedback from our constituents--a key piece of our process for evaluating our effectiveness. For assistance with developing and/or administering surveys that provide valuable input into furthering the mission of USCB, please contact the IER office at (843) 521-4137.

Graduating Student Survey

As part of the graduation application process, all students must complete a degree application along with a graduating student survey. The survey is located on our website and degree applicants are asked to print the last page, a verification page, to indicate they completed the survey. The Registrar's Office will not accept the degree application without proof that the survey has been completed.


The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) asks first-year and senior students about a wide range of educationally purposeful activities to gauge their satisfaction with the institution as well as their cognitive and affective development. The Beginning College Survey of Student Engagement (BCSSE) is administered to entering freshmen prior to the start of the academic year to evaluate their expectations for these activities, and the Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (FSSE) gathers feedback from faculty about their perceptions on these types of activities. The surveys provide useful information about the types of educational and co-curricular opportunities expected by and available to students and the extent to which students avail themselves of these opportunities.