New Student Orientation Process

New Student Orientation Process

Starting college is an exciting experience, but it is a big transition. All incoming students come in with questions and concerns. Our New Student Orientation Process was put together to support our incoming students throughout the summer and into the fall semester with multiple opportunities to get the support they need to thrive at USCB and beyond.

Step 1: Sand Shark 100 Online Orientation Module. Required for all incoming students – Available May 1st 2024. Introduction to USCB, Investing in your Future - Financial Aid and Students Accounts, Get Connected - Understanding University Technology, Preparing for day one at USCB, Advising Basics and Placement Testing, Course Scheduling Information. Step 2: Sand Shark Boot Camp - Optional Summer Orientation. In-Person Events on July 13th & July 26th. Virtual Workshops throughout the month of July. In-Person &Virtual workshops, Get extra support in order to be ready for day one of your college experience, Connect with staff members for assistance, Get answers to any final questions, Meet with advising and get more information about degree requirements. Step 3: Shark School Spring Orientation. Required for all incoming students - Attend the live orientation event that fits your student type. Engage with your new campus community, Connect with your peers, Learn how to be successful in college, Get support managing your transition to USCB, Have Fun!

Orientation Process by Student Type

In order for students to get the most out of their orientation experience, we have tailored the orientation process to each student type.

Incoming Freshman Information

First Year Student Orientation Process

USCB defines a first year student as anyone who is attending college as a full-time student for the first time or a transfer student who has completed less than 30 credits.

Transfer Student Orientation

Transfer Student Orientation Process

For all transfer and change of campus students taking in-person classes.

Online Student Orientation

Online Student Orientation Process

For Palmetto College and USCB Online students enrolled in an online degree program.

Fall 2024 Orientation Leader Team

Contact if you have any questions

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