Student Rights & Responsibilities

Know Your Rights and Responsiblities 

At the University of South Carolina Beaufort, we strive to balance the needs of individual students with the needs of the community—creating a safe, secure, and nurturing academic environment that enables all of us to discover powerful futures.

Our students are expected to make themselves aware of and abide by USCB rights and responsibilities, which can be found in the Student Code of Conduct. By joining the USCB community, each student acquires rights in, as well as responsibilities to, the entire community.

Please visit the following links to learn more about the established academic and non-academic community standards at USCB.

Students at Hargray Building Fountain

Academic Integrity

All students enrolled at USCB, whether full-time or part-time, shall be subject to the Academic Code of Conduct (the Honor Code). The USCB Honor Code establishes the general standards of academic accountability for students at USCB. All members of the academic community of the University share the responsibility to advance, support and enforce academic honesty and integrity.

Student Complaint Process with S.C. Department of Higher Education

The SC Commission on Higher Education responds to formal complaints from students against public, independent non-profit and proprietary institutions of higher education in South Carolina. However, the Commission has limited authority and cannot offer legal advice or initiate court proceedings. 

File a Complaint